Kamala Harris is not only a pretty lady, but she’s also a very shrewd lawyer that has proven herself to be a true politician.   She has plenty credentials:  A first-generation American, she was born in Oakland, attended Howard University, pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha, worked at the DA’s Office in San Francisco, later became DA and AG of California and now Senator.  Clearly, she has dedicated her life to public service. But she reminds me of a cubic zirconia—a big, fat fake.

The first time I peeped this was during the Kavanaugh Hearings.  I believe it was the second day of the Judge’s testimony, Harris began her line of questions about the Mueller Investigation.  Her demeanor suggested some goods on Kavanaugh.  I remember standing in front of the television excited to see a black women taking on the Judge. I had my hands on my hips and my mouth opened, waiting.

Harris asked, “Judge Kavanaugh, have you ever discussed Special Counsel Mueller or his investigation, with anyone?”  Kavanaugh stared at her and started to stutter.  He called out a few possibilities, Harris carried on. “Are you sure?” she asked, as if she held a Duece of Spades in her hand.  She had this authoritative lawyerly expression on her face.  She made direct eye contact with Kavanaugh and raised her brow with a smirk that suggested, I gotcha.  But she was faking.

When I first heard Kamala Harris might make a run for the President, I must admit I was excited, but after the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, I had my doubts. I did want to give her a chance so I researched her background. The information I discovered was appalling.  She was catapulted into the political arena by Willie Brown, a man twice her age who she was involved with in an extra-martial affair for a number of years. This caused me to question her moral character, specifically since we have an immoral president in office.

But her history as a DA and AG of California caused me to have even more caution. Harris supported 3-strike laws. As DA 600 drug cases were dismissed because her office failed to advise defense attorneys that a crime lab technician, Debbie Madden, had received several complaints about sabotaging drug analysis and Madden had a prior conviction. As recently as 2015 she opposed legislation requiring police who are involved in fatal shootings to be investigated. While Harris was AG The Supreme Court brought a case against California because of prison overcrowding. Harris and her staff argued: prisoners were necessary for labor and to fighting wildfires.

Harris purports to be a liberal, but clearly she’s anti-METOO as her consensual affair with a married man for government positions, belies the message of #metoo and calls into her questions her merit and qualifications. On issues concerning LGBT and their right to same sex marriage, she flat out lied to her state, by claiming: The Supreme Court overturned Proposition 8—a proposition declaring marriage was between a man and a women, knowing the courts kicked the decision back to the state. She claims not to oppose the death penalty but argued in favor of the death penalty in 2014. But most importantly to me Harris is also anti-Black. If you check her record Black lives doesn’t matter to her and yet she panders to African Americans for our vote.

Last night,  Harris announced her run for President of the United States before a crowd in Oakland and last night she officially lost my vote.   Harris has been compared to President Obama, but that comparison ends with them both having mixed race.  She’s no President Obama—she’s much more progressive. During her speech, that was slow at times and sermon like at other times, she laid out her progressive agenda:  free kindergarten, college and healthcare, climate control, exuberant tax cuts for the middle-class, and a mysterious monthly $500 for all households. Her plan is to roll back Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy to pay for this excessive agenda.

The themes of her speech were: Truth, Justice and Moral Character; unfortunately her speech was delivered on the same day her ex-boyfriend Willie Brown, released an article that questioned her moral character.  Brown painted his former mistress as a bit of a gold-digger that made it to the top. He wrote, “after I helped her, [she] sent word that I would be indicted If I so much as jaywalked.”

Neither her progressive agenda or her illicit affair with a man twice her age, convinced me that Harris was a NO. What solidified my opposition was her issue with race. I’ve read many articles about Kamala Harris and in everyone she’s identified as Jamaican and Indian.  I never read a single article that even suggested Kamala considered herself to be African American.  It didn’t bother me that she wasn’t African American, but putting that spin on her race proved to me that she’s a shape-shifter.

Last night, Harris wore her Senators uniform and she shifted herself into the role of a full bred African American Woman. She entered with Mary J. She used African American sermon techniques, spoke in clichés, quoted black songs and acted as if she’d spent her entire life right there in Oakland, among African Americans.  She left out her years of growing up in Canada, didn’t disclose her parents were elite Democrats, but rather referred to them as immigrants that supported Civil Rights. In other words, Harris painted herself out to be another female African American.

Her performance was excellent. She really sold the crowd and to further solidify her new found African American Image her spokesperson appeared on MSNBC and reinforced the new role. The spokesperson repeated: Kamala Harris is African American almost 10-times in a 2-minute clip. It was then it occurred to me that Kamala Harris will not hesitate to shift into any position. She’s the type who plays any role suitable to her goal regardless of the costs. She played the role of the mistress to get big government positions and once she landed the position, she stopped playing the role. She wanted to be perceived as a good prosecutor—so she gladly wore the tough prosecutor costume. She had no reservations about incarcerating countless African Americans. Heck she even support a truant law that would have disproportionately imposed prison sentences and fines on minorities.

Since 2016 she has became the female version of President Barack Obama. But last night she emerged as an African American Female raised in Oakland, attended Howard and pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha. Harris is basically telling African Americans she’s down with our plight.

Her mistake of course was she didn’t do her work before she made the attempt to play the African American role. Had she done her homework she would have realized, African Americans don’t vote black for black sake. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are clear examples of this fact and unfortunately Harris is no Shirley Chisholm or Carol Moseley Braun and will not be able to shift herself into those roles. Don’t get me wrong I get her message she can use the term African American to identify herself, after all her father is Jamaican—Jamaicans came from African and therefore she’s an African American, technically that might be true; but theoretically it’s not.

I made my decision to cast a no vote for Harris because given her background and her obvious tendencies to shift into beneficial positions for political gain, I believe she just too disingenuous for my taste.