Shoe Shine

‘It surprised him, the number of inmates who wanted their shoes shined for Sunday church service in the gym, or their boots shined just to floss around the concrete floors of the prison, or go before the parole board, or step out for court, or attend a funeral.  Many inmates bartered a can of tuna, or pack of soup with pride, just for a shine.  The guards were Damon’s most important client.’

Rewind Time

'When they reached the entrance Damon stepped into the subway station first, Sampson brought up the rear.  Damon had about three steps to go, when out of nowhere there appeared two men with guns drawn at them.   Damon had a pained expression in his eyes, and when he turned and glanced his cousins, he found they wore similar expression,  Behind them three more dudes, with guns pointed at their backs.'