HISTORY: The Black Ticket
in the bag of silver
Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. 16 From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
Matthew 26:14-16
The Black Ticket
Dr. Cornel West has picked Dr. Melina Abdullah, a university professor and Black Lives Matter activist, as his vice-presidential running mate. Listening to the media, one would believe all American blacks should be excited and exhilarated as this is the first time in history two black candidates have led a presidential ticket.
When first hearing the name Dr. Melina Abdullah, I had to google to remember who she was. But figuring that out, and listening to her rhetoric, the reason West picked Dr. Abdullah was clear. Not only does she share the same social justice ideology, but there is the added benefit that they are both scholars.
On the surface, Dr. Abdullah is a replica of Dr. West. She is a college professor, a BLM advocate, supports policies to defund the police, and she supports Palestine. To top all that off, Dr. Abdullah aligns with the cultural narratives, a black-Muslim, single female parent. Unlike Robert Kennedy’s VP pick, Nicole Shanahan, no one would question why Dr. West selected Melina Abdullah, except to say there was no other serious American black person who would join his ticket.
Campaign Contradictions
West’s decision encapsulates their "Black Ticket" platform, where they position themselves as advocates for the American black community. Their promise, if elected, will be to destroy the oppressive-American colonial regime, defund the police, reshape the Supreme Court and rid America of pro-life advocates, impose massive taxation on corporations under the guise of paying their fair share, provide free housing, healthcare, and education for all—even illegal immigrants, and demand a ceasefire in Gaza. West claims to have selected Melina Abdullah because he wanted to make ancestors of the Black Civil Rights Movement, long dead and buried, smile from their graves. He made this grand announcement on the Travis Smileys Show on KBLA radio on the last day of Eid Mubarak.
Some may question the balance between the two candidates, as although they share similar beliefs, Dr. Abdullah is a faithful Muslim who believes her selection is a sign from her god and underscores the depth of her commitment to socialist causes. While West is a Jesus-loving Christian—serving a very different God. His stance against American ideology while professing to be a Christian and his choice of a Muslim donor and candidate highlight a contradiction within his platform. Yet he is blind, or doesn’t care, as he proudly proclaims, “I am running for Jesus. She’s running for allah. That’s a beautiful thing.” Jesus said, “a house divided against itself can’t stand.” Islam and Christianity are fundamentally opposing religions.
Campaign struggling strategy
Considering these things, this brought a question front of mine. What is motivating West to run for the highest office in the land. He clearly hates American democracy. He has no platform to run on. He speaks about left-leaning struggles and romanticizes solutions for struggling American “black and brown people,” but he offers no solutions. His campaign has no focus, no vision and until recently, besides appearing on countless podcasts and events. His loquacious nature leads him to extensively discuss topics such as Gaza and the imperialist American regime with profound disdain.
Pre-Oct. 7, I didn’t believe Cornel West was even serious about running for president. He seemed to make a mockery of the office. As he visited podcast after podcast, singing lies and spitting hate all in the name of a need for a radical return to ethical and moral standards in America. His gibberish outdated and sometimes incomprehensible—amounts to nothing more than propaganda. I started to wonder how serious journalists engaged with Dr. West. That is until Anderson Cooper pushed back on Dr. West, calling his language “inappropriate,” after West made a comparison between the Russian bombing of Chechen with the US War in Iraq. Listening to that interview, finally a journalist called West on his outlandish rhetoric.
Financial strains and skepticism
However, over the last several months, or since West has shifted to the Independent Party—again, his campaign seems to have developed a strategy focused on dividing the vote. He is using the plight of the Palestinians to campaign for the vote of Arab Americans, knowing this may put Joe Biden’s campaign in a difficult position.
Early in his campaign, Cornel West was not thinking about the Palestinian people. When he first decided to run, Dr. West appeared on CNN with Jake Tapper. During the interview, West spoke about his reasoning for running for president and during the conversation he made no mention of Gaza. He mentioned solidarity with Iran and Guatemala and he spoke, using poetic language, about the plight of Vietnam. Prior to the tragedy of Oct. 7, mentions of Gaza by Dr. West were few and far between.
Today Gaza has become the oil that is fueling the West campaign. Wherever Dr. West makes an appearance, he sings the songs that expresses his woes for Palestine. Genocide, imperialism, apartheid are words West utilizes as the weapons to signal to the Arab community that he is on their side. Over the last several months, West’s rhetoric against America has become downright treacherous. Like Judas, he has turned his back to God for a bag of silver.
West is being propped up by the Muslim community. Hence the selection of Dr. Melina Abdullah—Muslim. Although, the media would lead you to believe that West is being positioned by Republicans to divide the vote for Joe Biden, while ignoring which community will create the divide. West's acceptance of donations from controversial figures like Justice Clarence Thomas's long-time billion friend, Harlan Crow, a right-wing supporter has raised questions about the intentions of Dr. West. However, West, after being called out returned the $3,300 donations.
We ignore other doners—namely Arab American donors. West’s primary donor is Asadullah Khan, EPlanet, CEO and Muslim. In 2023, West raised his largest donations during an event hosted by an Arab community in California and needless to say he is courting Muslims across America, including Dearborn MI.
Lately, West rhetoric has become increasingly inflammatory of America and Israel. With bold, freedom fighter language, West has promised, if elected, he would ask the International Criminal Court to investigate the IDF for war crimes. He has called Joe Biden a war criminal who is supporting genocide.
With his new VP pick at his side, Dr. West hopes to get on ballots in more states in America, particularly in the battleground states.
I don't believe Dr. West will affect Biden's vote count significantly. Most blacks do not support his anti-American rhetoric, as they do not align with our core values. Furthermore, I don't think the amalgamation of third-party candidates: Cornel West, Robert Kennedy, and Jill Stein, will have a devastating impact on Joe Biden's chances of winning the White House for a second term, simply because I believe Joe Biden/Kamala Harris chances of winning are already slim.
Biden's economic policies and the ongoing immigration crisis highlight his numerous missteps over the last four years. In addition, global issues, such as Biden's weak stance on Israel and the war in Ukraine, combined with his inability to effectively manage African countries like Niger, will likely be the deciding factors that will cost him this election.
Barring some historical event or tragedy, I think West will stay on the campaign trail with the hopes of securing the Michigan ballot. This seems unlikely, but nevertheless, this is his main goal. West is only running for President for speaking engagements.
As West goes across the country pretending to be the moral and spiritual voice of America, or more specifically Black America, his campaign faces significant financial challenges. Having raised $850k he has spent nearly $830K, and only has about $26,000 in cash on hand. This financial strain is compounded by reports of West's personal financial struggles, including outstanding federal taxes and child support. Despite these difficulties, West presents himself as a self-righteous freedom fighter of justice. But all that does is raise questions about the transparency and viability of his campaign.
Dr. West is intelligent. He knows he does not have a fighting chance in hell however, he is an opportunist. He is going to hang on for as long as he can remain relevant. West is a character. An image of one of those whistling, shuck and jive negros, standing in darkness, with his hands tucked inside his pocket, beneath the stoplight waiting for an opportunity to stroll along. He has nothing to offer but slick street-talking soliloquies.
West has no loyalty to the black community—in fact black situations doesn’t align with his current narrative. West is not loyal to his profession or his community. Not the black community, not the liberal community, and not the Arab community. His selection of Dr. Melina Abdullah is nothing more than theatrics. A political stunt.
The Truth
West had picked up a stray black cat and promised it milk in the name of freedom and justice, knowing he doesn’t even own a bowl. Nevertheless, he continues to sit on platforms damming America to shame and pretending he cares about the Muslim community —all along collecting pennies to keep himself gassed up.
Let me double talk by doubling down to reiterate my main point, to ensure there's no misinterpretation. The selection of Melina Abdullah by Cornel West is, in my view, a strategic political maneuver. Their common socialist ideologies and advocacy for radical changes may find favor with certain sections of the Black community, but some of us can discern the underlying motive.
Dr. Abdullah might be championing what she perceives as a noble cause for justice, although painfully unrealistic; Dr. West's actions are seemingly financially driven—but more realistically ego driven. It appears he is merely seeking opportunities for guest appearances that serve his own financial interests while inflating his ego.
In reality, Cornel West's 'Black Ticket' campaign featuring Melina Abdullah as his running mate presents a blend of ideologies, contradictions, and strategic ambiguities that do not align with the broader aspirations of the American Black community.
While the ‘Black Ticket’ will be stamped by history as the first American black political campaign, it’s legacy will forever be a farce. An example of poor black leadership. Still, I am certain, that as the campaign unfolds, the evolving complexities will undeniably influence the political discourse and shape the perceptions of West's candidacy within the American electorate. However, given the intricacies and potential misalignment with the broader aspirations of the American Black community, the 'Black Ticket' campaign has no chance of victory.
But even still, Judas, said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for athirty pieces of silver. Matt 26:15