The demonstrations happening on university campuses across America, opposing the Israeli War in Gaza, are certainly disturbing. Just yesterday morning, a group of students at Columbia University decided to take over Hamilton Hall - a building at the university - due to its refusal to meet their demands and divest from corporations that are in business with Israel and/or are in the business of developing weapons.
Initially, I gave little regard to these demonstrations. To start, I didn’t understand exactly how divestment would actually work, as it's pretty common knowledge that South Africa divestment went on for a long time and negatively impacted the most vulnerable in South Africa. Also, after BLM, I think protests have become a stage where unrealistic expectations are displayed by characters with axes to grind. Individuals, often copycats, unable to generate an authentic idea of their own, form into mobs and feign outrage. Also, if I have to be completely honest, I don’t see the injury to students and professors that has been caused by Israel's war on Hamas. Yet protest demonstrations driven by social media have become the driving force behind extreme resistance.
Progressive and left-leaning media often justify mob-like behavior under the guise of freedom of speech. These protests, while providing fleeting euphoria for participants, can escalate into violence and create opportunities for looting, robbery, and arson if left unchecked.
In mainstream America today, we witness the emergence of morally and intellectually superior elite groups that use mob rule to champion their ideas. Over the past 30 years, various crises have led to scapegoating—MeToo targeted men, Black Lives Matter criticized the police, and now, discontent is directed towards Israel.
In the past, protesters rallied together in a genuine fight for justice, driven by profound personal experiences and supported by historical knowledge from sources such as books, newspapers, and evolving news outlets. Today, activists—students, women, organizations like Code Pink (an NGO funded by a Chinese organization), and media outlets like MSNBC and Democracy Now—exhibit a distinct sense of elitism and pride in championing Marxist ideology. The tent encampments provide peaceful opportunities for people to come together in the fight for freedom. This is the narrative being spread by the protestors, who arrogantly cast themselves as morally and intellectually superior, positioning themselves as arbiters of truth and justice.
Clearly students today are miseducated, ill-informed, programmed, and provoked to rebellion by platforms like TikTok and other liberal outlets. The media takes it all in and reframes the narrative to fit the elite socialist ideology, and like a dog returning to its slop, students swallow regurgitated social justice misinformation in the feel-good names of hope, love, and freedom for all, like it’s ether.
No matter what mainstream purports as truth, Israel is not an imperialist colonial regime. And most of the people in Gaza are not innocent. It is unreasonable to demand that Israel take responsibility for the safety of a group of individuals claiming rights to a land that their ancestors lost in wars centuries ago.
It's ludicrous to demand that a nation continue to accommodate a "wannabe" state when the “wannabees” primary ambition is to destroy the nation. The existence of Palestine has been focused on the destruction of the state of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. That is discrimination and the Oct. 7 attack was a failed strategic attempt by the Palestinian people to execute genocide against a group of people because they are Jews.
It is absurd to think that those who stand for justice silently watched as an innocent young Jewish man’s arm was partly cut off by Hamas terrorists for nothing more than attending a festival and being Jewish. It was heartbreaking to hear this young man, now held by terrorists for more than 200 days forced to speak against his own nation, who admittedly failed to protect him but has refused to give up the search for him. I won’t even mention the baby that had been captured on Oct. 7; he was six-months old at the time, his only crime—being born Jewish. Every hostage that is held by Hamas, despite Israeli actions in the past, is innocent and yet being held hostage for no other reason than being born Jewish. Palestinians are unable to make the same claim. If that is not racism, I don’t know what is.
I understand that there are some unwise individuals that will argue everything that happened prior to Oct. 7 matters. But does it really matter when the world witnesses a massacre on Oct 7? There is nothing that justifies the execution of innocent people whose only charge was being Jewish.
But for the terrorists and the protesters, history becomes relevant because without it they have no justification. Racism is permitted if a nation is resistant—Hamas terrorists have suddenly become—freedom fighters. Meanwhile, Arab-friendly media sources feed misinformation to students and radical left-leaning elites confused by definitions that call for a civil uprising against a sovereign nation.
I will agree with pro-Palestinian supporters; these demonstrations do spark memories of protests from times past. However, the growing elite have created a false narrative that puts a spin on historical events and validates their cause against the Nation of Israel. The media is framing the events to be reminiscent of The Vietnam War, Kent protests, or the South African divestment campaigns.
Embryonic to these events are instances like those of Malak Afaneh, co-president of Berkeley Law Students for Justice (LSJP), a Palestinian Muslim and law student, who claims to have been assaulted by a Jewish professor because she is Palestinian.
Malak Afaneh, along with other graaduate students, were invited to the house of Professor Catherine Fisk and her husband Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law, in celebration of the students. Glancing at the video, not only did Professor Fisk and her husband invite a diverse group of students to their home, they were also responsible for educating this diverse group on the topics of Law.
No dinner with Zionists Chem While Gaza Starves
It should have been a nice occasion in celebration of their achievements; however, before the dinner, flyers circulated depicting Dean Erwin Chemerinsky holding a bloodstained knife and fork. The slogan on the flyers read, “No dinner with Zionists Chem While Gaza Starves!” These flyers were distributed by pro-Palestinians on Berkeley’s campus and social media platforms, implying that the dean and his wife support genocide because they support Israel.
During the dinner, Ms. Afaneh took out a microphone, put on a hijab, and stood at the front of the yard to greet attendees in Arabic, delivering a speech about the importance of Ramadan to Palestinians and Muslims. She also condemned UC Berkeley for investing in arms manufacturers supporting Israel and the ongoing “genocide” in Gaza.
Offended by Ms. Afaneh's actions, Dean Chemerinsky shouted and asked her to leave. Professor Fisk tried to take the mic from Ms. Afaneh and asked her to leave the house as well. Ms. Afaneh refused, citing her first amendment right to protest. However, as Professor Fisk attempted to get the mic, a tussle ensued, during which Professor Fisk touched Ms. Afaneh across her neck and on the shoulders. This led Malak Afaneh to accuse Professor Fisk of groping her breast and touching her hijab, which is considered a sin in Islam.
The graduate students intervened, labeling the professor as aggressive. Some of the students stopped to lecture the Professor and the Dean, criticizing their support for an imperialistic, apartheid state that is committing genocide. They demanded Professors Fisk and her husband divest from their support of Israel. Ms. Afaneh now claims victimhood, accusing Professor Fisk of assault and considering pressing charges.
The video footage reveals the horror Professor Fisk and her husband experienced as they were verbally attacked by elite students for being Jewish. Outrage spread across elite social media platforms condemning Professor Fisk and Dean Chemerinsky for assault and the accusation that they are anti-Palestinian. However, the video reveals the truth; they were targeted by the liberal mob simply for being Jewish.
Briahna Gray Joy, an ultra-liberal from The Hill on the Rising platform, went on a tirade about the fact that Professor Fisk didn’t give Ms. Afaneh the opportunity to speak. The Hill cut the video to support that narrative. However, the full showing of the video reveals Malak Afaneh had started praying, had spoken about Ramadan, and was about to condemn the university when Professor Fisk attempted to grab the mic. Bri, called Professor Fisk’s reaction to Malak Afaneh’s behavior as an assault. Many elite media pundits jumped on the bandwagon and fueled the fire that spread the flames.
The couple was also publicly condemned by CAIR-SFBA, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a grassroots civil rights organization, with a mission to enhance understanding of Islam. The Executive Director, Zahra Billoo, stated in an April 11, 2024 press release, “Dean Chemerinsky has unfortunately perpetuated an atmosphere of Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism for too long.”
Another event happened just last week, involving a Columbia University student, Kahmani James, who before being barred from Columbia, had been responsible for leading the tent encampment protest at the university. An Instagram video from Jan 2024 has now surfaced of the young man chanting, “all Zionists need to die” as he proceeded to nonchalantly apply lip-gloss.
It's these types of malcontent students who are inspiring hate for Jewish people on college campuses under the guise of Zionists—Zion has some become as disgusting as Nazi in American. It is astonishing that college students fester this type of hate and animosity, and it is allowed to spew on campuses. While students are being influenced by individuals like Kahmani James, the puppets (I.e. George Soros) behind the protests remain in the shadows, playing god as our young people dance around carrying signs chanting a rallying cry, "from the River to the sea—Palestine will be free.”
These protests are signaling a new era, and the Marxist pundits manipulate the narrative to serve their agendas. Like Madame Defarge, they sit back, knitting with red-stained hands smeared with fake blood, pretending not to contribute to the upheaval and fervor spilling onto campuses like red wine, secretly ensnaring students in their web of ideological fervor.
Terms like "apartheid" and "genocide" and “imperialism” and “colonialism” are thrown out like grenades, loaded to conjure images of death and brutality. These terms have become death bells that are rung as another Jewish professor, or Zionist supporter dares to freely walk about the campus wearing a yarmulke or a Star of David.
According to the poisoned rants shouted by the mob, Joe Biden, Dave Blinken, Lloyd Austin, and every single Democrat or Republican that supports Israel are guilty of genocide. Judgment will be executed by those uninformed in checkered-colored scarves and Covid masks, who await like ravenous wolves for the guillotine's blade to drop on the next Jew.
The elite want you to believe these protests draw inspiration from past demonstrations and paint a picture of what it means to successfully challenge established authority and advocate for social change. Students high on social media ether quickly take to the television news studios to let you know—they are standing on the right side of history. They demand a revolution in the name of righteousness and truth. They see themselves as the legacy of those college students who stood up to the big, bad imperialist monster and won.
Driven by a relentless aspiration to be heroes, the student protesters are prepared to traverse every boundary, challenge every norm, and defy every limitation to transform this ambition into reality. They provoke officers to arrest them, hoping a video of them will go viral. The reward, a guarantee of guest appearances on podcasts after some video clip of a protester brave enough to call for the “murder of all Zionists” or even better if you are a Jewish person that supports the Palestinian cause—and will go live to speak against Israel—you can suddenly become a celebrity. With pride, handcuffed students stop to pose as they proudly walk the line, escorted by police for standing on the side of the so-called freedom fighters.
To be precise, the Vietnam War was the first war that had been televised. Demonstrations rose up after parents, aunts, and uncles, and sisters and brothers realized the number of American troops being killed on the other side of the world. Vietnam was not just any war, but it was a war of attrition, a twenty-year war campaign, fought with nationalists who called themselves the resistant. Martin Luther King warned the US was on the wrong side of that war as they were fighting to dismantle a communist regime. It would be akin to United States sending troops into Gaza to fight against Israel and establishing the state of Palestine.
Last I checked, not a single American troop has died in Gaza. Vietnam was a 20-year war, and more than fifty-thousands American troops died. Young men fresh out of high school went to war with hopes of fighting for the oppressed and downtrodden in Vietnam and returned mauled and addicted.
None of those things are at play here. In fact, the only cause for the student protest has been invented by social media sources. Palestine’s struggle has become American struggles. Last I checked, Hamas is the government for people in Palestine, and the PLA is the government leading the West Bank. They are already free. Yet somehow these students refuse to accept that although Gaza and the West Bank are not recognized states, they have their own government just like Taiwan. Their airspace is controlled by a stronger, more powerful government, but Taiwan is not starting hostilities with China.
These protests remind me of the Tale of Two Cities. Granted, the circumstances surrounding the events differ—as the revolution was truly the result of a divide between the bourgeoisie and the working class. The French Revolution occurred because King Louis XVI was weak, and the mob grew large enough to take the power from the hands of the monarch and put it into the hands of the mob, led by the man that would see the King and his Queen climb the steps of the guillotine.
The students are the poor peasants, except they are not poor or thirsty but bold enough to demand food aid after occupying Hamilton Hall. They don’t know what it means to suffer because they have never suffered. They support an idea. They put their faith in a reality that is not tangible—outside of stressing protesting they have no real strategy, can offer no solutions, and are unable to have a serious discourse on the history outside of the talking points that have been provided by social media algorithms. The end results are mobs of people who believe they are images of freedom.
Recently, I saw a video of a Jewish woman who supports Palestinians say, what is happening in Gaza resembles what her aunt had told her happened during the Holocaust. She went on to condemn Israel. She is speaking as an authority on the topic because she is Jewish and therefore social media tells the world to believe her. It is as if she is taking a position that hadn’t been taken before. There were groups of people just like this woman, who took the side of the Nazis. They were Jewish police in Warsaw and other Jewish ghettos that turned their own sisters and brothers into the hands of the Nazis. They had hoped their position would save them—but in the end, it did not—they member of the Jewish police barrages were murdered in cold blood or sent to the gas chambers, just like all the other Jews. Perhaps people like this Jewish woman are afraid that one day the mob will suddenly understand there is no difference between Zionists and Jews.
There is no comparison between the Holocaust and Israel’s war in Gaza. I don’t believe there is a single gas chamber in Gaza; in fact, I don’t believe there is a single Jew that lives in Gaza or the West Bank. Gaza held elections in 2006, and not a single Israeli Jew voted in their elections. The PLO held elections in 2013 in the West Bank, and not a single Jewish person voted in their elections. I don’t see Palestinian kids building bullets for their captors to kill their other sisters and brothers or making shoes for the foot of Hamas soldiers.
Listening to Norman Finkelstein compare what is happening in Gaza to slavery is insulting and yet American blacks will give him high praises as he compares Nat Turner’s Revolt to the Palestinian attack on Oct 7. Finkelstein praises the revolt and even casts a moment of sympathy because Nat Turner was later found out and hung. However, the fallacy in Norm Finkelstein’s position is around this idea that the people in Gaza are enslaved. It's as if he doesn’t realize blacks were enslaved mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally—their children taken and sold to the highest bidder—none of those things are happening in Gaza. Slavery was not a figment of someone’s vain imagination. It was a fact. There are no slaves in Gaza or the West Bank. The people in Gaza haven’t built anything except underground tunnels. Yet these facts are irrelevant. According to Finkelstein, what is happening in Gaza is reflective of slavery, and our children in universities around the world believe what they are being told. I can’t count the number of podcasts Finkelstein has been on with the same gibberish—as if he is the authority of facts. Quoting lies. He is the big gun—the weapon the left uses to speak about the situation in Gaza against his own people.
The media often instructs us to dismiss certain videos that contradict narratives of starving children in Gaza, those that shed a positive light are to be discarded as propaganda. along with images disputing the notion that Gaza is an open-air prison. These images do not justify the attack on Oct. 7 and don’t prompt calls for a ceasefire. Images emerging from Gaza are labeled as propaganda by pro-Palestine supporters—and these critics often overlook that the videos originate from Gaza itself. There is no denying the video footage of children delighting in a warm day at the Gaza beach, girls selling sweet drinks outdoors, or men discarding food aid dropped by planes. Despite this, the media continues to propagate the idea that residents of Gaza are starving. They suggest that these photos distort reality, advising us not to trust what our eyes see—that a picture is not worth a thousand words.
What the media doesn’t do is call out the leaders of Hamas. Were it not for the Oct. 10 video of Yahya Sinwar, his wife, and his children fleeing to safety through the tunnels that don’t exist, we would still be wondering where in Gaza are the leaders hiding. No where—they are not in Gaza. They have left their people in a war zone. The leaders in Hamas are like ghosts. They suddenly appear at the UN demanding a state for Palestine. They hide in tunnels and magically appear on the world stage demanding its enemy provide food for the people in Gaza while insisting Israel relinquish land the land Israel and return it back to their enemies.
Last night we witnessed the NYPD storm into Columbia University, Hollman Hall and start the process of removing the protesters that illegally occupied the building after negotiations with the leaders at Columbia fell apart. They advised the protestors that they will continue to invest in Israel. The protestors and demonstrators occupying the building waited with bated breath for the police to arrive and violence to erupt, opening up the space for them to seize the moment. Television cameras flanked the campus in hopes of capturing every single detail. Nothing happened, but all day there have been interviews with pro-Palestinian protestors making complaints against the NYPD. Jill Stein, a Third-Party Presidential candidate for the Green Party, was arrested and went on The Hill to give an account of the violence she endured at the hands of the police. We have learned from the past. We know the students are on the wrong side, and their only ammunition they can offer are shouts, screams, and provocation. Provoking police is another weapon in their arsenal.
There is a story in the Bible about David the King of Israel, was on the run after his son, Absalom in protest illegally occupied David’s kingdom. While David was on the run, he came across a man named Shimei who cursed David for the wars Israel had fought and won under David’s command. Shimei followed David on the road, throwing rocks and using every offensive term imaginable. Shimei’s rhetoric and behavior grew so appalling, one of the men with David replied, “let me go over and cut off his head.” King David refused to allow that to happen. Instead, he kept his head high and moved forward. So should Americans that are being held hostages by these demonstrators, so should Israel and so should Jews.