An American Response

Thus saith the LORD; “I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

Zephaniah 8:2

The Conflict

I attempted to write this piece multiple times, often staring at a blank page, struggling to express my alarm regarding the Black community's response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My perspective does not align with the majority in the Black community, leaving me feeling as though I am navigating a world I no longer understand. What was once considered right has now become wrong, and what was wrong somehow seems right.

How much has changed since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. I was born that same year; I lived through the Vietnam War, the influx of heroin into Black neighborhoods, and I witnessed the AIDS crisis, drug overdoses, the crack epidemic, and the mass incarceration cemented into the bricks and clay of Black communities across America.

In hindsight, it’s clear that while some were indeed “losers” in this Black-skinned game of life, there were also winners. Today, my generation stands as a testament that Black people rise with grace despite the chains. We should take pride in knowing that our ancestors came to this land bound in chains, learned a language without instructors, tilled fields, built churches, bridges, and cities, and turned the American Constitution on the head of oppression.

Many in my generation have overcome oppression and racism and now live decent, stable lives. Yet, a portion of our elite scholars, politicians, and pastors continue to portray Black people as oppressed victims of systemic racism. Today, using our ancestors' struggles, self-proclaimed leaders urge the Black community to support the Palestinian cause, framing it as a struggle against oppression.


Certain Black scholars—Angela Davis, Marc Lamont Hill, and Cornel West, among others—seem determined to rally Black Americans in solidarity with Palestine. Their persuasive language, deeply rooted in Black liberation rhetoric, tugs at the heartstrings of our community, and students and middle-class Black Americans accept it as truth, every time.

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that some of our Black scholars are backed by pro-Palestinian organizations, which exploit narratives of poverty and oppression attributed to the imperialist West. They appear on platforms like Al Jazeera and Democracy Now, portraying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a “litmus test” for Black Americans. With fiery rhetoric, they claim that somehow our ancestral connections bind us to the Palestinian cause.

Attempts to challenge this narrative are instantly silenced. Differing views are de-platformed and dismissed, while only those who endorse this storyline are given a voice. These elites are happy to educate you on the topic—as long as you contribute to the cause. They sell books, refine their speaking abilities, and secure future engagements—all in the name of the Black community, under the banner of an Islamic agenda.

Listening to Marc Lamont Hill on the Palestinian cause can be exhausting. Hill describes Gaza as an apartheid state under colonial occupation, claiming that conditions there are worse than those in South Africa. His fluency in Arabic gives his arguments credibility, and many accept his words without question. Yet, he omits that no Jews live in Gaza, making it a separate entity, not an occupied one. He criticizes Israel’s blockade but avoids mentioning that Hamas, Israel's declared enemy, threatens the country’s existence. Egypt also has a blockade on Gaza, but Hill quickly pivots the conversation back to Israel, saying, “Israel has two bigger borders.”

Dr. Cornel West is another educated elite—an acclaimed scholar who presents himself as deeply connected to the Black struggle. Every oppressed person, to him, is one of his “precious” babies. He speaks of “precious” Palestinian children in a utopic language that appeals to the philosophically inclined Black scholars of our day. They are, he claims, an oppressed people living under apartheid, suffering from imperial colonialism imposed by Western ideals. According to West, every Black person should relate to the plight of the oppressed in Gaza; we should all empathize.

But this is all a fallacy. West was born in 1953 in Tulsa, a town celebrated as "America’s most beautiful city" during the 1950s. His mother was a teacher and principal; his father, a general contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense. West cannot truly grasp what it means to stand in line for government cheese or carry laundry bags five blocks just to get clean clothes. He’s a Princeton graduate who portrays himself as an expert on Black oppression, pushing a stale, twentieth-century narrative as if it were a fresh, new idea. He acts as if he’s one with the Black struggle, claiming a downtrodden right to speak for the Black community even as he condemns America’s support for Israel.

West has no shame in using Palestine’s plight for his political aspirations, relying on his reputation, which he seems oblivious to as tarnished. Yet, filled with his own self-importance, he’s willing to give Biden a run for his money. October 7 was his golden ticket—Israel is wrong! He claims this with unwavering moral conviction, offering Black Democrats an alternative to “Israel-supporting” candidates, and professing steadfast support for “the Palestinian babies.” I don’t think he has a chance—but I’ve been wrong before when I’ve put my faith in logic and reason. Not surprisingly, many Black intellectuals seem captivated by the independent candidate.

Even more cringeworthy than West is Angela Davis, a self-proclaimed feminist who expresses profound adoration for Palestinian women. She describes them as strong women who have overcome immense obstacles. Yet, according to a UN report, over 50% of women in Gaza believe they should be beaten by their husbands to preserve their families. Palestinian women choose to wear their niqabs, yet Davis, a globally recognized feminist voice, romanticizes their struggle. With all her intellect, she ignores Palestinian women who praise Allah as they witness their children die as martyrs. These women, willingly or by force, send their daughters strapped with bombs to blow up innocent people, including Jews.

Davis is silent about the rapes and brutality inflicted by Hamas on Jewish women. Their lives, apparently, do not matter to her—but aren’t they women, too? Instead, she peddles a romantic narrative of an oppressed group of women in need of a Black savior. She leaves out the repressive tactics of radical Islamic beliefs that keep women in Gaza in the rubble. Davis ignores the unspoken reality: these same women would condemn her for the freedom she enjoys in America.

Today, Davis is as misguided as she was when she once used her name to purchase guns for the Black Panther Party. Now she preaches freedom through peace, yet back then, she allowed a group of Black men to enter a courthouse armed with guns registered in her name. I know—she was acquitted.

It doesn’t take a wall of degrees to discern good from evil. Yet Hill, West, and Davis expect Black people to accept their distorted views of this situation because they consider themselves intellectually superior to the “less educated.” Hamas and its supporters have proven their intent to do harm—openly stated in their charter. Maya Angelou said it best: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Political Arena

The situation is even more troubling on Capitol Hill. Black members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are influenced by representatives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, with few other voices in the mix besides Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who champions any Democratic cause that draws enough media attention. Black voices are rarely heard distinctly; they echo only in the shadows. How is it that these two individuals hold louder voices than African Americans? Figures like Ayanna Pressley, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Summer Lee, and several other Black House members align themselves in solidarity with these radical representatives, as if they lack independent thought or the only radical act they can muster is pulling fire alarms.

Tlaib comes from an immigrant family, and Omar is an immigrant herself. Both have benefited from the American system of government, yet today they stand on the congressional floor openly condemning American policies. Their disdain for Israel and American values is palpable. It is no coincidence that both are Muslims, associated with a radical interpretation of Islam, and yet, Black progressives follow their lead without question.

Black Pastors in America

Now, let’s consider our Black pastors in America. Some align with worldly ideologies, and many Black people follow them into darkness. These pastors stand in pulpits, voicing support for Israel, yet, in the same breath, they also champion the Palestinian cause—two conflicting ideologies. This is a matter of Good vs. Evil. They preach Jesus as God but then misrepresent Him by claiming, "Jesus was a Palestinian."

To be clear, the term "Palestine" held no meaning in the time of Christ, so He would not have identified as a Palestinian. Pastors who perpetuate this narrative argue that we should support Palestinians because they, like us, are oppressed—just as Jesus was oppressed. But Jesus didn’t come to die for every oppressed person; He came for those who believe in Him. The fact remains, not every oppressed person believes in Jesus Christ.

Scripture is clear: Jesus is the Son of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, and David. Though believed to be the son of Joseph, He is the Son of God. He became flesh, dwelled among us, lived, died, and rose again. Herod, Jesus’ enemy, was an Edomite, a descendant of Esau, and Agrippa was the last of the Edomites. God destroyed the name of Edom, and what remained of the Edomites drifted into Judea and Samaria. Centuries later, Rome renamed the area "Palestina." Long before that, in 70 AD, God allowed the land of Israel to be conquered, and the Jews were scattered. But God promised to bring them back to the land of Israel. In keeping with His Word, He began calling them back in 1917—Jerusalem belongs to Israel. That is Biblical.

To the church in Laodicea, these are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
— Rev. 3:16

The book of Obadiah captures the ongoing struggle between Israel and what is now called Palestine. The Bible attests to Esau’s desire to take what did not belong to him. When Jacob took Esau’s birthright, Esau swore they would remain enemies. Throughout history, their descendants have fought many battles, but despite their numbers, Esau’s descendants continue to lose. This isn’t a prophecy of mine—it’s in Scripture. The Lord has proclaimed that Esau and his descendants will be destroyed: “Israel will be a fire, Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble,” meaning Edom will ultimately be defeated.

Black pastors who stand with Palestine are as deceived as the leaders in Gaza. They are fighting a losing battle, seeking to possess land that isn’t theirs and relying on a false god to save them. The God of Israel has shown His power, yet “though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand” (Matthew 13:13).

Back to Our Black Pastors

In the past, pastors in our communities served as our moral compass. Those days of ministers like Richard Allen, who boldly preached the Word of God, are long gone. Today, many ministers have turned away, wearing elegant robes while watering down God’s Word. They straddle the fence with lies and half-truths, their contradictions glaring. The values of Islamic communities do not align with the Word of God. There is a clear Biblical conflict between the foundation of Christianity and Islamic beliefs.

It’s impossible for anyone to know if the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict signals the end of days. As Jesus said, “No man knows the day or the hour.” But one thing is certain: God has consistently protected Israel, and His Word promises He will continue to do so until His return. Everything else feels fleeting—like dust in the wind, an endless cycle of violence, part of humanity’s fallen nature.

The Truth

As a Christian, my stance on this conflict is naturally biased. I understand the struggle of discerning right from wrong when social media bombards us with images of dead women and children in Gaza. It’s heartbreaking to see women baking bread amid rubble, openly washing clothes. Yet, this is part of a broader manipulation.

Radical Islamic leaders understand the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual vacuum in Western society. They argue that the West lacks the discernment to separate truth from lies. We walk blindly, taking information in snippets, accepting every story that resonates with our purpose. Islamists know the world will parrot leaders’ words without diving into facts. We’re simply too busy keeping up.

The West has been duped. While it may sound like a conspiracy, it wasn’t shocking to hear Shaykh Dr. Haitham Al-Haddad on a UK podcast discussing the Islamic agenda. He boasted of Islamic victory based on public opinion about Gaza. Their cause gained momentum after the Hamas attack on October 7, and this ummah (Muslim community) eagerly anticipates establishing an Islamic superpower, attributing it to sacrifices in Gaza. Women are giving their lives in the name of Allah.

Dr. Al-Haddad outlined a strategy that began with the attack on Israel, a carefully planned assault. They’ve placed operatives in Western politics, social media, international courts, and education systems. Now, Islamic leaders in the West are cleverly discipling “Western pagans,” expanding influence for Islamic ideology while tearing apart Western values.

Meanwhile, AI and advanced technology keep the West distracted. Our media keeps us preoccupied with Gaza, while Iran and Syria bomb the U.S., Russia advances in Ukraine, China strengthens ties in Africa, and North Korea tests missiles capable of reaching America.

Setting aside my theology, womanhood, and Blackness, I view this as an American. I, too, am part of America. I support Israel because I recognize they are battling darkness, surrounded by Islamic nations that seek their destruction.

Radical Islamic leaders, who have harbored grievances since World War I, see Gaza as a new opportunity to assert dominance. If Israel falls, the UK could be next, and then the U.S. If Israel loses, Americans face the potential threat of Islamic jihad.

Reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr.

Over the past few months, I’ve thought about Martin Luther King Jr. Many in the Black community claim King was anti-war, advocating nonviolent protests. King’s daughter, Bernice King, tweeted that she believed her father would have “called for Israel’s bombing of Palestinians to cease and for hostages to be released.” I question if that’s true. FBI files suggest King understood the difference between a just and unjust war. He likely wouldn’t have opposed the Civil War. King protested the Vietnam War not because it was a war but because he felt America was on the wrong side. History has shown that America indeed sided with the wrong forces.

Today, “communism” has morphed into “colonialism.” Nations now embrace Communist regimes, condemning the West for imperialism. I believe if King had access to today’s information, he wouldn’t have called for a ceasefire.

In 1967 America, King believed nonviolence was necessary for Black people facing racism. He knew violence would only widen the rift between Black and white Americans and saw that Black Americans lacked the resources to succeed through warfare.

King’s approach mirrored Jesus Christ’s. In Scripture, Christ used the example of a king preparing for war, acknowledging that leaders assess their ability before engaging in battle: “Suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not, he will send a delegation while the other is still far off and ask for terms of peace.”

A Historical Perspective

Looking at history, we can draw parallels between African Americans in 1967 and Palestinians since that time. This comparison, viewed through a Biblical or historical lens, highlights contrasting approaches to adversity. Both communities have seen themselves as victims of racism, yet African Americans, led by figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., chose a nonviolent path. Despite criticisms from figures like Stokely Carmichael, this approach shaped the Civil Rights movement, demonstrating the power of nonviolent struggle for justice.

In contrast, Palestinian leadership chose a confrontational approach. After the Six-Day War in 1967, aligning with Arab nations led to more territorial losses and significant casualties. Over time, some lands were returned, but Palestinian leaders persisted in a more aggressive stance. Generations have now experienced the impact of these choices.

Ten days before his assassination, King met with the Rabbinical Assembly, making two essential points. Regarding violence, he said, “I haven’t advocated violence, because I do not see it as the answer. I do not see it as the answer from a moral point of view. I am still convinced that violence as the problematic strategy in our struggle to achieve justice and freedom in the United States would lead to a dead-end street. We would end up creating more social problems than we solve, and unborn generations would be the recipients of a long, desolate night of bitterness.”

King’s words are prophetic, describing the ongoing struggle in Gaza. Palestinians persist in a violent path, failing to see it only deepens their suffering. In that same conversation, King emphasized that while certain Black figures like Stokely Carmichael and Malcolm X had specific views on Jews, we must not generalize. He also stated, “What is needed in the Middle East is peace. Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can almost be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be reality.” Had King said these words today, he would likely face condemnation.

Today’s Black leaders have little real connection with the everyday Black community, yet they claim to speak for us. They profit from condemning America while taking full advantage of the freedom it offers. Situations like Palestine are opportunities for some Black leaders to sell books, appear on podcasts, and give interviews. We must be cautious about what we internalize. Black Americans must distinguish between good, evil, and justice. God is good. Evil is oppression and death. Justice is retribution. We must stand against Hamas and radical Islamic factions that oppose every value we cherish, every virtue we hold sacred, and the God we serve.

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.


13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 〰️

Jacqueline Session Ausby

Jacqueline Session Ausby currently lives in New Jersey and works in Philadelphia.  She is a fiction writer that enjoys spending her time writing about flawed characters.  If she's not writing, she's spending time with family. 


American Black-Heritage Taunt
