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The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was everything you could have imagined and more. It wasn’t just entertaining; it was downright inspiring. The crowd size was impressive, and the hype was elevated by an array of celebrities and actors, culminating in appearances by several former Presidents and First Ladies of the United States. The event’s highlights were the back-to-back keynote speeches, with a crescendo marked by the magical appearance of Michelle and Barack Obama. For four days, from Monday through Thursday, the progressive-liberal agenda took center stage. We were treated to performances by Stevie Wonder, comedy skits by D.L. Hughley, and motivational speeches from the likes of Oprah Winfrey. And let’s not forget one of the key takeaways: how to properly pronounce “comma-la.” Any disruptions—such as the cries of Palestinians inside and outside the center, demanding an embargo on Israel—were drowned out by the excitement and performances that filled the convention hall.

If diversity had a face, it would surely be that of the DNC. The convention started on a righteous note, embracing both Jewish tradition and Islamic faith. Rabbi Sharon Brous spoke of justice and unity in her invocation, followed by Imam Omar Suleiman. During his invocation, he declared:

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, we come together in this sacred moment, seeking guidance and unity for the future of our nation.”

This quote may seem to reflect the inclusive nature of the Harris-led convention, but it points to something deeply troubling. When the Imam speaks of “our” nation, which nation is he referring to? A nation of Jesus Christ or the Nation of Islam—they are not the same. It makes me wonder, how can two walk together unless they agree? The values of Islam do not align with American values, and it’s concerning that, despite the devastation wrought by radical extremists around the world, our nation—built on Christian principles—would so readily embrace a religion that, in my view, opposes Western values and oppresses societies in the Middle East.

My initial thought about this unorthodox opening was the challenge of combining religions that are fundamentally opposed in the name of unity. Yes, the Archbishop of Chicago prayed at the DNC, but absent from his prayer was any mention of Jesus Christ. Instead, he paved the way for the Rabbi and the Imam, who carried the spiritual torch.

As stories of moral righteousness filled the convention center, Kamala Harris’s so-called stellar public service career was put on full display. According to a diverse array of Black and minority politicians, she has done wonders, especially on the topic of abortion, thinly veiled as reproductive rights. So much for the issue being something private, reserved between a patient and their doctor. Stories of life-or-death circumstances, supposedly created by a government that took away the right to abort, were recounted before the world. One speaker, with his wife standing by his side, told the story of how doctors guaranteed his wife would lose their child so they insisted on having an abortion in a state where that was not allowed. But doctors should terminated that pregnancy—because why give that child any chance of hope if it means the mother will miscarry.

Well, I know plenty of women who suffered miscarriages, and most of them do not die. In fact, to be real about the number of women who die in childbirth, in 2023 a total of 680 women died during childbirth. It’s a sad statistic indeed, but compare that to the 930,000 babies aborted in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

There’s an old wise tale that says death walks around the room seven times when a woman is delivering a baby. The point is that a mother understands the risks and is willing to face the threat of death to bring a child into the world. More than that life is in birth—it’s what’s called legacy. Absent life there’s only history.

During the DNC, these stories played out like those commercials begging for donations using starving children as props—only this time, the focus was on sacrificing lives created for the sake of your American dream or your peace of mind—a fair exchange for your vote. Meanwhile, just four blocks from the DNC in Chicago, a van was ready to provide free abortions, abortion pills, and vasectomies to anyone and everyone, and according to some reports, this van had aborted at least 25 pregnancies. Chicago, the great, has fallen!

In all this so-called inclusion, there were clear exclusions: the unborn, the poor, and most notably, Jesus Christ. Yet somehow, Democrats pretend to be more loving and accepting, moral, embracing any and all with arms wide open as if they had been given the authority from on high to distribute peace and justice—their hands are cleaner than Christ’s. As Christ Himself looked upon the crowds with deep empathy, knowing many would never be saved, it was the crowd that was lost, and so we sat and watched the lost perform.

What was also missing from this spectacle was any real policy. The speeches by Walz and Harris, given on the third and fourth nights respectively, were mediocre at best. Walz, for one, has some serious credibility issues. He talks about Trump’s convictions but conveniently skips over his own struggles, like his DUI. He skirts around the 15-year lie about his military service as if it’s something we should overlook. After all, he’s no George Santos. Walz can talk about J.D. Vance’s military service all he wants, but the difference is Vance told the truth about his service, while Walz spun a tale, even lying to veterans for years about his military rank. Yet somehow, J.D. is painted as weird.

As for Harris, she offered no policies—just jargon and empty promises. In just two days, her stance on fracking flipped, and she’s once again talking about climate and opportunity economics. She speaks as if the failed policies and attacks on the middle class occurred during the Trump administration. They talked about change and not going back, using rhetoric from the Obama campaign as if they don’t recognize the difference. “Change and not going back,” as if we don’t realize what she is disparaging is the return to policies enforced by the Biden-Harris administration. Harris’s top agenda was immigration, but what this campaign is failing to recognize is that the shift to Trump has everything to do with this current economy, which is a reflection of the Biden-Harris agenda and policy on immigration and the economy. On both these topics, Kamala should forever remain silent.

She moved from rhetoric about a temporary ceasefire in Gaza and bringing home hostages to bringing home the hostages and a ceasefire. She talked about inflation as if her brilliant plan to tackle it—penalizing corporations for price gouging—sounds effective. And let’s not forget her history: she has failed on the border, she has failed the American Black community while she was District Attorney and Attorney General in California.

Meanwhile, almost a million jobs have simply disappeared. I am most certain that wasting time going after corporations that do not support her agenda, for price gouging, is not going to impact the middle-class community in enough time to save us.

Now she wants another chance to fix the problems their administration has created that have devastated our community. The immigration project that’s failed under her watch, promising to heal the wounds she inflicted. But under Biden and Harris, homelessness has risen, the middle class is sinking into poverty, and she takes no responsibility for convicting American Black men for weed while admitting to smoking herself.

The Democratic National Convention was widely praised, especially in contrast to the Republican National Convention, according to most pundits on CNN. However, beneath all the hype, critical issues persist: the ongoing immigration crisis, the continual rise of inflation, the strain on our economy, and the fact that American troops are being deployed to the Middle East to assist Israel while Ukraine continues its invasion of Russia.

Well, at least while America is seemingly being set on fire—we will all be entertained!

The rights to the content and images on this website are owned by Jacqueline Session Ausby, and you have no right to use any of the content / images without her expressed permission.  If you would like to contact Jacqueline Ausby, please email jmbeausy@aol.com